Description of data provided (open access) to support the paper "In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of 94Ag" - X. Pereira-Lopez August 2022 The data was recorded at Jyvaskyla Accelerator Laboratory (Finland) in October 2019 - experiment number JM04 The data were recorded using the standard data acquisition systems for the MARA spectrometer and the JUROGAM3 gamma-ray detector array (see These websites contain all the information on the detectors used. The data were analysed using the Grain open-source software available here: The data analysis is performed using a sorting code that applies the necessary corrections and calibrations to the raw data and produces the final histograms and tuples. The aida file presented is the output file of the analysis sort done with Grain - the output from the "" code. Instructions to reproduce histograms in figure 1: 1) Load aida file E167MeV_20201108.aida 2) A tuple called MyTuple is found in folder "correlated/misc" 3) Evaluate tuple with the following conditions: Fig1a) tf<2 && dt>1 && dt<60 && ye>5 && ye<550 && pe>7000 && pst>-70 && pst<100 && ye-xe<200 && xe-ye<200 && grdt<-50 Fig1b) tf<2 && dt>120 && dt<180 && ye>5 && ye<550 && pe>7000 && pst>-70 && pst<100 && ye-xe<200 && xe-ye<200 && grdt<-50 Fig1c) tf>1 && dt>1 && dt<60 && ye>5 && ye<550 && pe>7000 && pst>-70 && pst<100 && ye-xe<200 && xe-ye<200 && grdt<-50 Fig1d) corresponds to the histogram "recoil juroGeE" that can be found under the folder recoil/recoil juroge Instructions to reproduce histograms in figure 2: 1) Fig2a correspond to Fig1a) where the background has been subtracted. Fig1d is used to account for background (normalized). 2) Fig2b correspond to Fig1b) where the background has been subtracted. Fig1d is used to account for background (normalized).